This Bird is blessed with friends whose talents defy explanation and work that continually blows my mind-grape. A recent visit by illustrator GB Tran and his lovely wife Stephanie was, as always, an inspirational shot in the arm. I went to school with GB back in the tumbleweed days of the University of Arizona's Visual Communications department. His work exuded a scientific meticulousness, yet always had that ability to magically map the winding roads of the human condition. His work is smart and soulful, and I'm continually grateful to call him a friend.
He brought a beautiful handmade book of his sketches, which was a truly precious thing that had to be shared with the Jaunty Readers. It's a single large sheet that's been cut and folded in a way that makes you turn and flip it to follow the path of drawings. Being able to look at an artist's sketchbook is like getting an insight into the person's creative process, so it's a special privilege to be able to get a peek like this, into an artist's mind.
Please take a look at GB's work as both an illustrator, apparel graphic designer and more importantly, his work as a published comic book writer and artist. He's published several books and collaborated on other projects, and in 2011, his book, Vietnamerica, will be published by Random House. It's based on his own personal stories and experiences, and it promises to be a truly extraordinary read. To keep up with his comings, goings and appearances, you can read GB's blog.
Jaunty Fine Print: photos by Denise Sakaki, view GB Tran's work on his site!
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