Are you ready to Fall for Fashion? This Bird is more than ready to embrace the incoming autumn days, but still enjoy the pleasantly cool evenings, much like the one we recently had last Friday, during The Bravern's Fall for Fashion event to benefit the nationwide Fashion's Night Out charity event that lasted through the weekend. I was able to head over on Friday night, for the opening night celebration. It was a nice way to end a long week. So this Bird preened her feathers, which is to say, changed out of the eternal sweatpants and sweatshirt that I'm usually rocking as I sit all day behind a computer and got all presentable-like for the Jaunty masses. What, you think a sweatpants/sweatshirt combo wouldn't quite be chic enough for a fashion event??
I was lucky to have my good friend Ms. Radish and Rose along for the ride, a lovely smart cookie who can identify the details of quality tailoring, track down the best hamburger in town, while balancing a glass of bubbly in hand. We managed to sidle into the bar at John Howie Steak for one of their a-ma-zing burgers during their equally a-ma-zing happy hour, which was a good fortification for the walking about we did, perusing every store through The Bravern that caught our eye. We were ooh-ed and ahh-ed by the beautiful tailored coats and holiday dresses at Karen Millen. We also couldn't help but marvel at the lovely tailoring at Chanel in Neiman Marcus; the attention to detail in the construction of one of their signature jackets is truly inspiring!
Lately I've been less interested in looking at the of-the-moment trends and just identifying the things that continually catch my eye. We all have our own classic details that we love, and strangely enough, the things I gravitated towards as a child -- soft, touchable textures and bright, sparkles of color -- are still what attracts my eye now, but in different, hopefully more sophisticated ways. I liked seeing the little vintage-inspired faux fur tie-on collars and I immediately head towards beautiful brocade or printed fabrics; I feel like this almost primal instinct for a tactile and visually experience will never change. I mainly just enjoyed an evening with a friend who has an appreciation for the beauty in all things, and it becomes like a wonderful game, trying to spot all the little details that might get missed amidst the excitement and glamour of a big night. And yes, a hamburger with champagne doesn't hurt either.
Jaunty Fine Print: photos by Denise Sakaki and Ms Radish and Rose
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