
The Birdy is BACK! Or more to the point, the Birdy didn't really fly the coop, she stayed on terra firma and had a quiet few days off to tend to the homefront. I did not, in fact, make it to Hell-on-Earth-Nevada for the aforementioned trip, but I kept with the vacation days off and spent the much-needed break savoring some quality time with the Mister and our dear pup, Indy, who was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia last October.

We're taking things day by day with Indy -- terminal cancer is like that, pesky ol' thing. Not that we haven't already been hyper-focused on her care since last fall, but it became even more apparent over the last couple of weeks that we're nearing the end, but she shows no signs of slowing down, and we're just giving her space and comfort to let us know when it's time. So we're doing short walks on the trail by our house when she's feeling up for it. Taking drives to favorite places. We're taking it easy, picking summer berries and enjoying what can only be described as the Sweet Life. Because while we don't know what will happen tomorrow, we're thankful for today.

Jaunty Fine Print: Photos by Denise Sakaki

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