I know the Interwebs runs on cute cat videos, one giggly gigabyte at a time, but I'm definitely more of a dog person. I have the very good fortune to be able to write a regular column for a local lifestyle publication, 425 Magazine. I work with the editor to come up with themes every issue for my Flavor column, which is normally food/drink, but I did a twist on dog-friendly spaces, since it's summer and it's a great time to include our fuzzy friends on our sunshine-filled adventures!
That being said, all things are subject to editorial decisions -- not everything always makes it into the final cut, and that includes photos. But just because these pups didn't make it to print, that doesn't mean they're not loved and celebrated! This post is dedicated to all the super awesome folks who provided photos of their beautiful dogs (and friends' dogs) -- I wanted to give a huge thanks to friends, both fuzzy and human!
Pictured from the top, going from left to right: Sir Digby Chicken Caesar from Bellevue, photographed by Isaac Barry; Cooper and Harley Blue from Duvall, photographed by Audra Mulkern; Chloe from Kirkland, photographed by Michelle Daniels; Milo from Bellevue, photographed by Carrie Klumpar.
Second row, going from left to right: Marco from Redmond, photographed by Jaime Gonzalez; Percy from Kirkland, photographed by Kathleen Sanders; Toby and Butter from Kirkland, photographed by Kelly Lemon
Jaunty Fine Print: Photographs by dogs' humans listed above
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