
Can this Birdy just say - WHEW!!  It's funny that this Lunar New Year is the Year of the Ram/Sheep, as I'm reminded of that saying that goes with the month of March: In like a lion, out like a lamb. I would call this year so far: "In like a lamb who acts like a lion." ROAR. It's been a little hectic at the Magpie's Nest. Work is going well, keeping me very busy, and my stressbuster of late has been baking. Not so much eating what I make, just enjoying the process, which can be very zen. My latest challenge has been teaching myself the method of French macaron-making, which is very much process-oriented. So while this is probably a better fit for my food blog, Wasabi Prime, I'm sharing this photo of an imperfect first attempt at these tricky cookies. Imperfection is OK. We learn from shortcomings and it only encourages us to keep learning. And at the end of the day, it's a nice reminder to not freak out, and just eat a cookie. Class dismissed!    

Jaunty Fine Print: Photograph by Denise Sakaki

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